Why we teach what we teach
Today we are talking about the idea behind our very first and very important creative writing workshop, Find Your Words.
Below I have tried to outline what it is about creative writing that I think is so fundamental, and what it is that I want each child who attends a Find Your Words workshop to engage with.
First and foremost, creative writing allows children to get lost in the joys of English without being bogged down by the technicalities of grammar. A secure education in creative writing allows children to naturally apply their grammatical abilities to their writing, but in an environment that prioritises their creativity.
As teachers, we want to equip our children with the skills to navigate life, school and eventually work. Opening the door to the world of creative writing is crucial in this; it builds confidence, reduces inhibitions, develops imagination, clarifies thoughts and unlocks empathy. Combine these attributes with the ability to plan, create structure in thought and organise words and, well, you have an all-round winner!
At The Learning Box, we truly believe if you start your child writing creatively early on in their life, the benefits will carry them through to the end of their education and beyond.
All these skills are developed when your child jumps feet first into the wonderful world of crazy ideas, imagination and creative writing.