Exam Prep

The Learning Box offers high quality, engaging, child-specific Exam Prep support in the form of small group workshops that focus on different areas needed to succeed in the run up for independent school exam prep, 11+ and Wandsworth tests.

October Half Term Exam Prep

Plan To Succeed - 11+ Exam Prep Workshops

Plan To Succeed - 10+ Exam Prep Workshops

Have questions? Let’s chat!

Phone: 077 220 41416

Email: hello@thelearningboxedu.com

Plan To Succeed

Years 4, 5 & 6

Our Plan To Succeed workshops provide small group support to years 5 and 6 pupils, concentrating on a range of areas; comprehension, reading, grammar, spelling, problem solving, mathematical fluency and reasoning.

During a workshop children will dissect past papers and recurring exam style questions with key instructions and strategies on how to respond to different types of questions.

Children will be exposed to a range of different test types, in order to familiarise themselves with the different ways questions can be asked and to develop a toolbox of core techniques to best respond in an exam setting.

Our workshops range in days depending on the length of holidays, each one offering bespoke and structured year group appropriate support for primary school children.


Years 5 & 6

Our 11+ 1:1 tutoring offers verbal and non verbal reasoning support. Children will be exposed to a range of different question types in a range of formats, in order to familiarise themselves with the key strategies needed to unpick these types of questions which form the basis of entrance exams for secondary schools across the UK.

How ‘Reasoning’ works

Each workshop spans the course of a half term - therefore a workshop is generally 10 weeks long. Children will be with the same group each week, receive a booklet that they will work through alongside a member of The Learning Box team, and be given activities to complete over the course of each week independently at home. Across a workshop children will work alongside an experienced VR/Non VR tutor to cover the range of skills needed to succeed in reasoning papers: 23 different question types linked to Verbal Reasoning and 7 different question types linked to Non Verbal Reasoning. The sessions are very methodical; focusing on approaches needed to answer different question types and familiarising children with patterns to look out for. There will be a combination of independent work and guided work, alongside competitive group work and support from tutors.

At the end of the workshop, children will receive a report which outlines what has been learnt across both Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning, and where their strengths and weaknesses lie. This provides parents with an insight into areas they might like to develop further.